2010 NAQP CW Contest Summary

I thought I was going to have to miss a few hours of this but it turns out one of my daughters events is today, Sunday, and not Saturday, so I was able to put in a full time effort. It was another very cold day (20 degrees or less) like the previous week, but no snow and no wind.

I started out on 20m when the contest got going at 1pm local time and stayed there until the sun started to set. I bounced back to 20m from time to time even after the sun went down to see if there were any new stations I could hear. I logged 3 Alaska stations but I didn’t hear any Hawaii stations. I operated without using packet cluster so if they were spotted I wouldn’t know. I checked 15m a few times and normally made a contact or two but there didn’t seem to be much activity there. I even checked 10m twice just for giggles but didn’t hear a peep. I was on 20m from 1:00pm (1800z) through 4:15pm (2115z).

Besides missing Hawaii, I didn’t see Nevada, North Dakota or Nebraska and locally I didn’t see any Vermont or Maine stations. I was able to work 44 of the 50 US States and 8 of the 13 Canadian Providences over the course of the contest.

As the sun started to set I went over to 40m and spent two hours there tuning up and down the bands. There was minimal noise on 40m and conditions seemed to be good.  Other then a quick scan of 20m/15m I was on 40m from about4:15pm  (2115z) until about 6:15pm (2315z).  I popped over to 80m and spent 30 mins logging stations there before heading back to 40m until about 8:15pm (0115z)

At 6:15pm (2315z) I switched to 80m for 30m and logged 27 stations. At 8:15pm (0115z) I came back to 80m, started at the bottom of the band and worked my way up. It was pretty noise so I had the RF gain down a lot so I could stand listening but that didn’t matter as all the signals were strong. I was able to work about 1 QSO per min moving up the band and logged 67 Q’s in 70 mins by the time I hit the top of the band. Each slight turn of the dial yielded another station to work. A quick pop back to 40m to check if there was anything new and a few stations were logged including Puerto Rico. I then went back to 80 and dialed up the band again to work any other stations I might have missed or that came on after my last scan, but that first scan was pretty wall to wall.

Here’s a screen shot of my desktop after scanning up the 80m band the first time. You’ll be able to see the band map on the right showing all those stations worked. If you click the small image it should open a larger image of the screen. In the center you’ll see DM780 which I use to help interpret the incoming CW. All the other windows are part of N1MM from the list of multipliers by band on the top left, some basic stats under that, the main entry window under that and the packet window under that (which is blank since I’m not connected). At the middle on top is the count by band and under that is the check window for call signs entered in the main entry window. On the right side at the top is the list of QSOs made and the far right is the band map which in this case shows everything worked already since the call signs are all light gray.

Here’s my score summary for this years NAQP CW ham radio contest:

Band    QSOs     Pts  Sec   NA
 3.5     131     131   37    1
   7     128     128   39    1
  14      99      99   24    1
  21       8       8    5    0
Total    366     366  105    3

Score : 39,528

Next Saturday is the NAQP SSB (Phone) contest but I am pretty sure I’ll be away from home for most if not all of the contest. If I get on at all it will be late so likely 80m and maybe some stragglers on 40m is where any activity will be.


2010 ARRL RTTY Round-Up Summary

Happy 2010 all! The start of the new year means the ARRL RTTY Round-Up for the first weekend to get things rolling and I was able to participate throughout the contest.  It starts 1:00 pm local time on Saturday and goes through 7:00pm local time Sunday for 30 hours total of which you can participate 24 hours.  The weather was very cold and very, very windy with gusts of 40-50mph. I don’t think the temperature broke 20 degrees fahrenheit on Sunday and with the wind chill was in the low single digits all day long.

It is easy to get rolling at the start as no one had been worked yet. Started on 20 and checked 15 but 15 wasn’t good for me this weekend – low contact count and low multipliers. It usually isn’t strong but it seemed real crummy for me this weekend and it would have helped during the slower times. I was able to get Hawaii and Alaska early on as the afternoon is usually a good time get them both.  I went to 40m but 80m was better early and throughout the evening so I spent more time on 80. I had a nice run for about 80 mins where I was averaging 75/hour which I think is the best I have done so far. When I called it a night at 1:00am local (0600 Zulu). I then took the 6 hour break as you can only operate a max of 24 hours, not that I was going to go through the night anyway. I under the 1st 12 hours with 405 logged contacts.

Sunday morning I woke up after a bit more then 6 hours sleep and got back on the lower bands to start for a bit. Activity slowly picked up and I moved to 20 later in the morning. 15m still wasn’t working well for me with not too many signals I could hear and work though I bounced back there from time to time throughout the afternoon. As it got later in the afternoon I started to check 40m and worked what was there before heading back to 20m until 40 and then 80 were active enough and little was heard on 20. I tried running on 40 and 80 on Sunday and made a few contacts but nothing like Saturday night.

The contest wrapped up and I headed out to our monthly local radio club meeting. There I spoke with 2 others that were in the contest. 1 uses a wire antenna like I do and runs low power like I do. The other guy is an old time RTTY guy with beams and high power. He runs SO2R and has 2 Flex SDRs. I was amazed that I actually ended up with slightly more logged Q’s then he had though he had a higher score. He also had a problem with RF on 80 so he had no 80 contacts. It is probably the only time I will beat him in total contacts.

As I was moving up the band on 40m on exactly at 0300z I came across DP1POL who was working the contest. DP1POL is the German station in Antarctica and there was no pileup and I worked them quickly. That was a great surprise and Sunday night after uploading my contacts to LoTW, this was immediately confirmed for a new DXCC for me. I am sending off for a paper QSL as well.

I missed DE and WV for 2 states and a few Canadian providences. I saw WV S&Ping but didn’t see them calling CQ and they never gave me a call when I was running. I didn’t see a DE station at all.  Looking at my score summary you can see very few contacts on 15m with minimal mults. A really enjoyable contest I had a blast participating in.

Score Summary:

Band    QSOs     Pts  Sec  Cty
 3.5     297     297   17    0
   7     156     156    9    5
  14     241     241   29   27
  21      14      14    0    4
Total    708     708   55   36

Score : 64,428

73 & Happy New Year,

2009 CQ WW WPX SSB – 1st in US Low Power Rookie

Happy New Year everyone! In today’s mail the January 2010 issue of CQ Magazine arrived and I was scanning through it I noticed the results of the 2009 CQ WW WPX SSB contest from last March were published.  As I was flipping through the pages I was surprised to see in the US results that I was listed in 1st for the US Low Power Rookie category! A rookie is anyone who is licensed less then 3 years and I was first licensed in August 2007, so I have a few months left in my Rookie status.

I’m looking forward to another fun year of contesting in 2010 and it would be great to make a few more top 10 lists over the next year.  In about 30 mins the 2010 ARRL RTTY Round-Up is about to start and I’m getting everything setup for that now.

See you on the air!

Linux and Ham Radio

My professional career is computers and information technology (IT) but at the desktop, I’ve always been a Windows user. I’ve use linux on servers for years and have installed it on computers at home to play around, but always go back to Windows because I use the applications and not the operating system.

A major linux magazine stars amateur radio on the cover of it’s January 2010 issue.

The contents of the issue include articles on:

Linux Journal’s Ham Shack:
Come chat with us about everything Linux and amateur radio related in our Ham forum (or see forum topics below).
Listen to our podcast to hear editors Shawn Powers and Kyle Rankin discuss our Amateur Radio special issue.
Little known fact: Did you know a feature article in Linux Journal issue number one was Linux and Hams?

Linux Amateur Radio Resources:
A guide for users of Fedora amateur radio software – http://jjmcd.fedorapeople.org/amateur-radio-guide/
Hamsoft – Linux Software for the Hamradio community – http://radio.linux.org.au/
FBB Packet-radio BBS mini-HOWTO (covers the installation and use of the most popular
amateur packet-radio BBS server software “FBB”) – http://cryptnet.net/mirrors/LDP/HOWTO/text/FBB
Ham radio programs for Linux – http://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Software/Linux/
A complete LiveCD for HamRadio operators by F0FAK – http://shackbox.net/

Software Packages:
Ubuntu Software Packages in “karmic”, Subsection hamradio – http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/hamradio/
Debian Software Packages in “lenny”, Subsection hamradio – http://packages.debian.org/stable/hamradio/

Maybe it’s time to install Ubuntu again and check out the above stuff.

73 and happy holidays,

OY2J Faroe Islands QSL Received

A very quick turnaround from a QSL card I sent direct to Johan, OY2J, on Faroe Islands. I was tuning around 20m and heard OY2J calling CQ before any pileup started back at the end of November. This is my only contact with a station on Faroe and obviously a new DXCC confirmed for me. The Faroe Islands are located in the center of a triangle between Iceland, the UK and Norway.

Happy Holidays and good DX in 2010!

Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) Query – Earliest QSLs by DXCC

I’m running the latest v5 of Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) using MS Access as the backend database. I wanted to know what was the earliest QSL confirmation either via a paper QSL or a LoTW QSL for each DXCC. This will help with making sure I keep things as up to date with what is new since my last DXCC application update.

Here’s a snippet of the results.

GU4CHY11/29/2009 3:36:57 PMGuernseyPaper12/18/2009
HP3DX10/10/2009 10:16:18 PMPanamaPaper12/12/2009
Z36W12/5/2009 2:13:02 PMMacedoniaElectronic12/7/2009
DJ3IW12/5/2009 1:00:48 PMGermanyElectronic12/6/2009
D2NX10/18/2008 6:15:11 PMAngolaPaper12/1/2009
E21YDP10/17/2009 12:31:31 PMThailandElectronic10/23/2009
ZP8VAO9/12/2009 11:04:30 PMParaguayPaper9/19/2009
T77NM5/9/2009 8:51:32 PMSan MarinoPaper9/10/2009
J5UAP3/7/2009 11:47:31 PMGuinea-BissauElectronic8/30/2009
5N0HQ7/11/2009 6:09:57 PMNigeriaElectronic8/19/2009

The only real caveat I see is if other stations re-upload their records to LoTW as LoTW currently treats it as “new” and depending on what you use to update the LoTW QSL date (I use HRD Utilities from WD5EAE), it would show the last update by the other op and not the first. But that is out of our control and LoTW should really prevent that, as well as the other op not doing it in the first place.

I have MS Access 2007 and here’s the SQL to run. I don’t know if it works with older versions of Access.

 IIF(t.COL_QSL_RCVD="Y" And COL_QSLRDATE = t3.FirstConfirmation, "Paper", "Electronic") As COL_METHOD,
 t3.FirstConfirmation As COL_QSLDATE
 SELECT t1.COL_COUNTRY, MIN(t1.COL_TIME_ON) As FirstContact, MIN(t2.MinDate) As FirstConfirmation
ORDER BY t3.FirstConfirmation DESC;


2009 RAC Winter Contest Summary

Friday evening through Saturday evening was the 24 hour RAC Winter ham radio contest. I was on the air Friday night before heading to bed and a good portion of Saturday as I was waiting around for a blizzard which showed up later then expected and not as bad as they expected either. This was also the same time the OK RTTY contest was going on but I decided to do this one.

I operated both phone and CW and had a real good time. This is a bit of a slower paced contest and being just before the holidays, most of the operators took a moment out to wish each other happy holidays, merry Christmas and happy new year, making for a very enjoyable exchange.  There was also a Croatia CW contest going on at the same time with both contests using serial numbers, so there were a few DX contacts I’m guessing were in the other contest but I worked a small number of them anyway.

Last years RAC contest was a couple days after Christmas and this years was the weekend before. I think it had more participation this year. Last year I made 88 contacts all on phone and this year I made a total of 247 contacts split evenly with 123 on CW and 124 on Phone. The contest is fun because anyone can work anyone, but the points are higher for working Canadian stations and even higher for Canadian RAC stations. I tried to work anyone I could hear be they US, Canadian or DX stations.

I really enjoy the friendliness of this contest and hope to continue to participate in it in the future. Maybe it can be staggered with some other contests such as the OK RTTY one since both are a single 24 hour contest. All logs have been uploaded to the various log sites and a few paper QSL cards were written out to send via the bureau to the Canadian Cold War Museum station, the Ontario Science Center and the Vancouver Olympics  Amateur Radio Group.

Log summary:

Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Sec
 3.5   CW      29     154    5
 3.5   LSB     47     416    8
 7     CW      44     252    7
 7     LSB     27     212    8
 14    CW      44     210    5
 14    USB     40     286    7
 21    CW       6      46    2
 21    USB     10     102    3
Total  Both   247    1678   45

Score : 75,510

73 and happy holidays!

Guernsey DXCC Confirmed – GU4CHY QSL

During the CQ WW CW contest the end of November I made my one and only contact with a station in Guernsey via a CW contact on 20m with GU4CHY. I sent Dick a QSL card direct with return postage and he quickly sent me a nice QSL card and note back.  Thanks for the contact and quick return of a QSL card for a “new one”!

73 & Happy Holidays!

Contact with Antarctica South Pole

After getting home from work tonight I was sitting down at the computer and noticed a spot for KC4AAA in Antarctica at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. I had seen Antarctica spotted before but never had a good copy on them. Tonight the station was coming in a good S5-S7 and fully copyable.  I listened for a bit and he was on 14.177 listening up on 14.240. I tried calling for about 30 mins and he worked 2 or 3 stations a minute but I wasn’t able to get through. He went off the air for a bit and I turned the radio off and did a few other things.

Just before 0200z I turned the radio back on to get on a local 10m net and he was still there. I tried again and on the second call he came back to me. I completed the call and gave him a 5-7 report. He indicated I wasn’t moving his s meter but he was able to copy me fine. He asked where I was located in NJ as he’s also in NJ and told him where I was.

Thanks so much Andy, WA2DKJ, for the contact!


2009 ARRL 10m Contest Summary

This weekend was the ARRL 10m contest. With my G5RV antenna, 10m isn’t a strong band for me, but I participated anyway. Well, I participated for the minimal time this weekend I was able to get on the air.  I got on Friday evening, but the band was dead and made just a few local (NJ) contacts before calling it quits. Saturday morning I made 2 contacts  with GA and MN before I had to leave for the day/night.

I got back on Sunday morning, made 4 calls and then had to leave for 5 hours. When I got back on Sunday afternoon I was finally able to sit down and work the radio a bit. The first 4 contacts on Sunday after noon were to MO, 2 to OK and one to AR. I then had a few NY/NJ contacts before a real DX contact was made with Martinique, followed by Chile and Argentina, all on CW.  That was it for my DX contacts on 10m though I heard stations in Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico around the same time but they were unable to hear me before I lost the opening.  I then had some stuff to do around the house and wasn’t hearing much on the air anyway so I came back to the radio infrequently through the rest of the contest.

I did chat with K2DEN & K2DBK, 2 local ops that I know, about how they were doing and it seems it was a minimal effort for all 3 of us. I don’t know how others in my club did as no one has sent around an email with their score summary.  I have already uploaded the contacts to LoTW, eQSL, HRDLog.net and ClubLog as well as filling out 2 QSL cards to the CE4CT and LU1HF for the 2 longest 10m contacts to date.  My cabrillo log has already been sent in for the contest as well as to the Super Check Partial database.

ARRL 10m Score Summary:

 Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Cty
   28  CW      16     64    9
   28  USB     16     32    7
Total  Both    32     96   16

Score : 1,536

See you on the air,