2010 JARTS RTTY Summary

This past weekend was the 24 hour JARTS RTTY ham radio contest. Looking back at my old posts, this is the 3rd year I’ve participated in this contest, and my score and time operating has decreased with 2008’s contest yielding the highest QSO count and 2009’s contest in the middle for QSO count. So how did things go this year?

I operated a couple of hours at the start of the contest in what was a very windy evening.  I did a quick scan on 20m where I snagged Alaska and then spent the evening on 40m & 80m. PJ4B operating from the new DXCC entity was in the contest and I worked it without any wait. I also worked PJ4B on 15m as well as PJ4D on 15m during the contest. 80m was noisy but workable and I even had a little run on 80m before calling it a night at 11:30pm (0330z) with 72 Q’s in the log.

Saturday I had to wake the kids up early to go take the PSAT’s. I got on for a few hours after that and before I needed to head out to a high school football game.  The weather outside was still extremely windy. 15m was pretty good this weekend for me. I could work more stations on 15m then I could in the past few weekends. Most contacts were on 15m and 20m. After a few mid day hours at the high school game I was back on 15m & 20m for a couple more hours before I was off to dinner with my wife’s family.

I had checked 10m a few times during the day but didn’t hear anything. A bit before heading out to dinner I checked 10m again and was able to hear LU5FF in Argentina approximately 5000 miles away and worked him without much effort. I spotted him after making the contact and saw a bunch of US stations then jump in. I got home late Saturday evening and spent 30 mins after I got home on 40m & 80m logging anyone I could hear.  I ended Saturday night with 213 Q’s and I didn’t think I’d have much more then that for the entire contest since I couldn’t operate much on Sunday.

Sunday morning I got up and started to get ready to head to the Giants football game at the stadium. The wind had finally subsided at it was relatively calm out with blue skies. I started with a scan of 40m to grab any station I could hear which yielded about 12 quick Q’s before switching to 20m for another 10 Q’s before turning off the radio to head to the stadium.  8.5 hours later after getting home and unloading the car I popped on for a bit at the end of the contest.  The frequency that the radio was on when I turned it on had a VK station calling CQ and I was able to work him for the only VK contact. After spotting him, there was a jump in activity on the frequency. I did hear 1 other VK but he couldn’t hear me and while I listened to other ops try to contact him, they couldn’t be heard either. I scanned 20m for any new stations and then called CQ for a little bit to get some of the S&P only stations. It was dark out now so I switched to 40m and did the same thing – scan and then call CQ. 40m yielded another dozen Q’s. A quick scan of 20m showed little activity so with 15 mins left in the contest I scanned 80m and then started to call CQ which was productive for those 15 mins. I logged a bunch of VE stations in Canada and I finished the contest with exactly 300 Qs logging NP3D (in NY) at the end. I’m surprised I worked 87 Q’s on Sunday when I didn’t think I’d get much time on, but I’m not complaining!

Here’s a map (click to enlarge) of the ham radio contacts that were made over the weekend:

Here’s the N1MM score summary for the contest:

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec
  3.5      55     110    1   11
    7      61     126    9   14
   14     142     340   31   14
   21      41      97   11    9
   28       1       3    1    0
Total     300     676   53   48
Score : 68,276

73 & thanks for all the Q’s,

Makrothen RTTY Contest

This weekend, besides the NA RTTY Sprint, is the Makrothen RTTY ham radio contest. This is an interesting contest because the format consists of three 8 hour segments covering a 24 hour period. Fri night, Sat afternoon & Sun morning make up the 3 operating segments. What is also fun is the scoring is based on the distance between you and the other operator. The farther the distance, the more the points. There’s also a bonus factor for contacts made on 40m & 80m.

Got to operate more this year then last year since the Giants are away and I didn’t need to head to the stadium. First night I started on 40m and switched between 40m & 80m. While calling CQ I had R1ANP (Antartica) come back to me on 40m for 24,762 points! Went to bed with 88 Q’s in the log all on 40m & 80m.

On Saturday after our clubs hamfest when I got back on that afternoon, 15m was dead for me. I made 1 Q the entire day on 15m. 20m was fine though and where I spent most of my time until 6pm when I switched to 40m. I stopped about 30 mins early to eat and prep for the NA RTTY Sprint that was about to start and finished the 2nd day at 210 Q’s.

Woke up Sunday morning and got on the air again about halfway through the final 8 hour segment  which started 4am local time. 20m was doing well to EU and Russia and I worked all the new stations. I then switched to 15m and I was able to log about 13 stations in a row before switching back to 20m. I ended up logging just one 15m station on Saturday and 18 15m stations on Sunday, so 15m was much better for me. I hit 1 million points at 1451z on my 255th logged contact.

Definitely a fun contest with the 3 segments and the distance based grid square scoring. Here’s the score summary for this one and as you can see, even though there were twice as many 80m contacts then 15m contacts, the distance on each of the 15m contacts provides more then a 2x score difference:

 Band    QSOs      Pts
  3.5      39    53500
    7      65   209610
   14     155   724312
   21      19   122636
Total     278  1110058

Score : 1,110,058

The below map shows the location of the contacts. The Antarctica contact with R1ANP is in the lower right corner at a distance of 10,217 miles. The left most spot is with JM1XCW in Japan at a distance of 6,718 miles. The right most spot is UN6P in Kazakhstan.  Click the picture for a larger view.

Thanks for all the Q’s!

NA RTTY Sprint

In the middle (end of the 2nd segment) of the Makrothen RTTY ham radio contest the fall NA RTTY Sprint started. It’s a 4 hour contest where you make a contact and then the frequency is given to you for the next contact and then you need to relinquish the frequency after your next contact.  The contest just runs on 20m, 40 m & 80m.

I had a bunch of chauffeur needs on Saturday night for the kids, so I ended up operating about half of the 2 hour contest.  Because it started after dark, 20m wasn’t the popular band but I managed to work 7 stations with the other 60 Q’s being split between 40m & 80m.

I ran into 3 operators which obviously didn’t know/understand the rules as they were holding a frequency and just calling CQ after someone worked them. They need to relinquish the frequency after they worked someone when they were calling CQ. I noted their calls and will see if I can find a way to contact them via QRZ later today so they know for next time.

A fun contest format for a nice change of pace.  Here’s the short summary report:

  Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
   3.5      29     29    7
     7      31     31   14
    14       7      7    5
 Total      67     67   26

 Score : 1,742


Another ISS Packet Session

In the middle of the Makrothen RTTY ham  radio contest I took a break and set things up for another ISS (International Space Station) packet session. As the ISS came into my coverage area I sent my APRS packet info. I also started to decode packets from others from the central US and from the east coast. Halfway through, I stopped xmitting and decoding for some reason so I shut down the apps and started them back up and it seemed fine again.

My APRS position was received and sent back and repeated onto the Internet by KB8YSE. I also sent a received a message with N1RCN in Rhode Island. Here’s the exchange from http://www2.findu.com/cgi-bin/msg.cgi?call=K2DSL:

N1RCNK2DSL10/10 13:06:09zReplyGood Morning From Fletch In Bristol, RI
K2DSLN1RCN10/10 13:05:34zSend anotherHi from Waldwick, NJ, USA

That looks like this mornings overhead pass is the only pass today worth trying. There are some new astronauts on the way to the ISS and they should dock in another day or two.


California QSO Party (CQP) Summary

Spent some of the weekend working the TARA PSK Rumble contest and then the California QSO Party (CQP) got going and I made a bunch of contacts there in between all the other goings on over the weekend. The CQP is nice because it has a tremendous amount of activity and a lot of stations on the air for both CW & SSB contacts.

I switched to CW and noticed a spot for KA3DDR/6 and immediately recognized the call being that of Scot Morrison, a blogger I’ve followed for quite a while now. Unfortunately, Scot was no longer on the frequency but I was able to subsequently work Scot on 40m CW and then 20m CW on Sunday. Probably the highlight of my ham activities for the weekend!

I had a difficult time this weekend on 15m. I couldn’t hear but a few stations that were spotted in the cluster. It could have been just that 15m wasn’t good between NJ and CA or it could be that throwing up a 15m dipole vs tuning the G5RV will provide me a better chance.

I stopped early on Sunday to get ready to head out to watch the Giants beat the Bears on Sunday night. A good ending to a good weekend.

Here’s the score summary for the contest. Looking back at last year I had a few more Q’s and a couple more counties. I didn’t hear any counties for the ones I missed. Must have just not been on the air when I was.

  Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Sec
     7  CW      27     81    4
     7  LSB      5     10    0
    14  CW      58    174   11
    14  USB     70    140   35
    21  CW       2      6    0
    21  USB      4      8    1
 Total  Both   166    419   51

 Score : 21,369


TARA PSK Rumble Summary

Just spent a little time in the 2010 TARA PSK Rumble contest. It runs for 24 hours and started Fri evening and finished Sat evening. I just worked stations before the California QSO Party started up and ended up logging 37 stations all in the US. 29 of them were on 40m and the other 8 were on 20m. I used MMVARI with N1MM for the contacts. I guess there could have been some more activity to make it a bit better and there was a PSK63 contest going on that made it difficult to find the TARA ops. But its fun to work another mode and get some contacts in the log.


Market Reef OJ0B worked for a new one

Read about Market Reef getting active in the Daily DX and this morning, while waiting for more California stations to come on the air for their QSO Party, I saw a spot for OJ0B on 17m so I tuned there and they were load. They were working split on CW so I went up a little and put my call out. After about 10 or so times they came back to me and I had them logged for a new one @ 1253z!

QSL for OJ0B is via OH2BH. The OJ0B QRZ page isn’t updated with any 2010 info and reflects what must have been their last DXpedition there in 2009. The Daily DX indicated that OH2BH & OH2PM were the operators as well as OH2BH being the QSL manager.

Hopefully I can work them on some other bands, especially 20m. The info from Daily DX says they should be there until the 11th of October or so.

73 & Good DX,

2010 CQ WW RTTY Contest Summary

This past weekend was the CQ WW RTTY ham radio contest. I was running 100w into my G5RV antenna and not using the cluster for spots. It started Friday night @ 8pm local time (0000z Saturday) but it wasn’t until 10:30pm that I could get on the air. I spent about 90 mins making contacts on 40m & 80m and called it a night with 50 Q’s in the log.

Saturday I was able to spend most of the day participating. I started out on 20m and checked 15m from time to time. 15m wasn’t great but it was better then in recent contests so there were mults available to work. I even managed to get three 10m contacts including one to Galapagos Islands. I imagine if more folks were on 10m we could have seen more activity there. I flip-flopped between 20m and 15m working stations S&P style. With high power stations, finding and maintaining a run frequency in the 20m band was rough. At least with filters, adjacent stations can be blocked out, but with so many stations, they sometimes overlapped. I’m sure there are tricks to knocking out 1 station overlapping another but it is quicker to move on and come back. Saturday afternoon the EU stations were coming in nice and strong. I didn’t see any JA stations but they are usually not strong and in S&P without the cluster I might just pass right over them.  In the early evening on Saturday switching to 40m turned up some more stations including some strong EU’s. At 8pm local, 0000z I needed to head to a party for 5 hours. Once I got back around 1am I got back on for 90 mins and worked 40m & 80m stations. I ended up heading to bed Saturday night with about 360 Q’s.

Sunday morning I woke up and for a short time got on the air to and logged about 25 contacts on 20m and 5 on 15m before I needed to shut things down and head to a NY Giants football game. It was a real bad game and it then took about 1 hour extra to get home, so I wasn’t on for almost 8 hours on Sunday during the prime DX time. Once I got home I scanned through 15m and logged a few before switching to 20m and again S&Ping for a bit. I decided to call CQ on 20m and found a spot though it only produced 15 US stations in 15 mins. I switched to 40m for 30 mins and worked mainly US and Canadian stations before switching to 80m with 30 mins left in the contest. I did some quick and productive S&Ping on 80m, again working mostly US & Canadian stations. With 20 mins left I picked an 80m frequency and called CQ. I worked 27 stations in 20 mins, again mostly US & Canadian station, but there were 2 stations from the Ukraine at the very end that I could put in the logs. it was a productive run to wrap things up and I ended up with 491 Q’s.

Here’s a map view of the contacts made over the weekend (click to enlarge):

Here’s the score summary:

  Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN  Sec
   3.5      68     88    7    6   21
     7     108    169   24   10   34
    14     248    504   53   18   36
    21      64    135   27   15   10
    28       3      7    3    3    1
 Total     491    903  114   52  102

 Score : 242,004

I had a real good time in the contest. I made less contacts in 2010 then in 2009 but I also spent less time operating this year, including a large chunk of time on Sunday. I wish I had better antennas to hear all the stations that seem to hear me better then I hear them. Some day… I can dream.

73 & Good DX!

NA Sprint, BARTG Sprint 75 & WA Salmon Run

This weekend, besides my International Space Station (ISS) contacts (see earlier posts) I ended up logging contacts in 3 different ham radio contests.

Washington State Salmon Run
Saturday and Sunday was the Washington State Salmon Run (aka QSO Party). I ended up making a few contacts each day coming out with 11 SSB contacts with WA stations in 6 counties.

North American Sprint SSB
Saturday evening (0000z to 0400z) was the 4 hour NA SSB Sprint. After you make a contact with a station, they need to QSY (change frequencies) and you get the frequency to call CQ for the next contact. After that contact, you need to QSY to another frequency. It means a single station doesn’t just call CQ over and over on the same frequency. I got going not long after the start and worked 20m for the 1st hour before moving to 40m and switching back from time to time to see if there were any new stations on 20m. At the 3rd hour I switched to 80m and made a few more contacts before calling it an early night. I was up since 4am and just after 11pm I needed to hit the sack. I imagine the last hour of the contest saw activity move to 80m but I was beat. It is nice to work the SSB contests and the folks that I typically just send dits and dahs or diddles too. Even though the sprint is a very fast paced contest, every single op took the time to say hello or nice to hear you. It’s a competitive “sport” but everyone is extremely friendly and courteous.  Here’s the score summary for the NA Sprint SSB:

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
  3.5       7      7    3
    7      26     26   13
   14      20     20   12
Total      53     53   28
Score : 1,484

BARTG Sprint 75
The third contest this weekend was another short one but another fun one. The BARTG Sprint 75 is a 75 baud (vs 45 baud) RTTY contest. 75 baud is faster then 45 baud and with a short exchange of just a a serial number, the exchange happens really quick. I actually was so busy with the IIS (International Space Station) that I didn’t realize the contest was underway. I joined the contest about 90 mins after it started on 20m and other then 1 lone 15m contact, all activity was on 20m. There was a fair amount of participation but plenty of room to grab a frequency and run for a bit, which I did, though I don’t think I logged more then 4 or 5 contacts in any one run before I needed to S&P for a bit.

After working the contest on and off for 2 hours and 15 mins, I stopped a little early to get ready for another ISS pass and was lucky enough to make my first voice contact which is a huge thrill. It was a fun contest though and I like the fast pace that 75 baud brings with it. 2 hours and 15 mins and contacts made with 25 DXCCs from

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec  Cnt
   14      52     52   25    7    3
   21       1      1    0    0    0
Total      53     53   25    7    3
Score : 5,088

All contacts loaded to eQSL, LoTW, QRZ and the logs sent in for the contests.


First Voice Contact with NA1SS (International Space Station)

After just making my first packet radio contact with the ISS, I was able to log my first voice contact with the ISS! I was just finishing up the BARTG 75 RTTY Sprint contest as there was a great overhead pass of the ISS and I wanted to see if I could make some packet contacts via the ISS. I was listening on 145.825 but I wasn’t hearing anything at all. So I went to 145.800 and I could hear Col Doug Wheelock (KF5BOC) as if he was in the room with me. I put the TS-2000 in split and set the xmit frequency to 144.490 and gave him a call. He came back to me at 21:07z, said my call and that I was coming in loud and clear. Wow, what a thrill! With less power then your average light bulb, we can make a contact 280+ miles into space and speak with someone moving at 17,000+ mph. Unbelievable!

Time to send for that QSL card.
