Category Archives: Contacts

Latest confirmed DXCCs

Over the past 2 weeks I’ve gotten the following countries verified via LoTW:

Tajikistan, Nicaragua, Hungary, Corsica, Cong and, Belize

That brings my LoTW confirmed DXCCs to 87. I have additional 8 confirmed DXCCs via paper QSL cards so my total is 95 confirmed DXCCs.

I’ve sent out a few direct QSL cards in the past couple weeks so hopefully a few new DXCCs will come back from those and/or the bureau. I currenlt show about 37 DXCCs where I’ve logged a contact but don’t have either a paper or LoTW confirmation.


My first CW contest

After using DM780 to read/send CW to K5D using the CW KY functionality the Kenwood supports on the same serial connection, Dave K2ZC created a cable for me to connect my PC’s serial port to the key connection on the back of the radio. This is a more standard way of keying supported by programs such as N1MM as well as DM780.

With the new cable from K2ZC I jumped into the ARRL International DX CW contest this past weekend. I would listen on the frequency to get the info and then send my call out and when the DX station came back to me, it was decoded on the screen and I would respond with my report. Because it seemed most of the stations in the contest are using a computer to generate the code, the computer does an excellent job of decoding it and showing it on the screen.

I used DM780 to decode the transmission and N1MM to send/log. It all worked very well and I was able to make 209 DX Qs over the weekend. Not bad for a CW contest and not knowing morse code yet! By the end of the weekend I could pretty reliably recognize my own call, 5NN for a report and TU which is typically the first response back after sending a report.

New logged DXCCs this contest: El Salvador, San Marino and Turkey.

Here’s my score summary from my first CW contest:

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
           7      67     201   38
          14     142     426   60
       Total     209     627   98
            Score : 61,446


First CW contact is K5D Desecheo DXpedition

I haven’t yet learned morse code but I have my radio hooked up to my computer and DM780 (part of Ham Radio Deluxe) supports the KY command function which allows the same RS-232 connection between the PC and the Kenwood TS-2000 to also key CW. DM780 also converts morse code to text on the screen. Yesterday, I tried my first computer assisted CW contact and it was to contact the K5D DXpedition on Desecheo Island.

I already have logged 3 SSB contacts with K5D on 17m, 20m and 40m. Yesterday I made CW contacts with them on 30m and 17m. On 17m they came back on my first call!  This morning I was able to confirm, via the web site that they are both in their logs.  That is one heck of a way to start off with a CW contact!

Now if I could just get them on RTTY. It should be easy but the problem is that there are so many operators and they aren’t used to or don’t know how to operate split that they are transmitting on the receive frequency and it is hard enough for me to copy K5D without the QRM that it is nearly impossible for me to do it with all the QRM. Add on top of the ops not xmiting properly are all the self appointed policeman which then come on top of the K5D frequency and start yelling at them. Hopefully I’ll catch them at a good time so I can get one RTTY contact in with K5D.


Another confirmed DXCC – the Congo

Yesterday as I was trying to get the Desecheo Island K5D team on RTTY, they went QRT and a Republic of the Congo station TN5SN came on and caused quite the pileup. I was able to make a contact with him on 20m RTTY and Nicolas has already confirmed the contact on LoTW!

According to LoTW right now I have 83 confirmed DXCC entities.


2009 CQ WPX RTTY Contest

This past weekend was the CQ WPX RTTY contest. A single operator is allowed to work 30 hours out of the 48 hours the contest runs. I worked close to 30 of those hours. In the end I made 525 contacts.

I had a difficult time working well in run mode. Stations were packed together, overlapping and often multiple stations (different parts of the world) causing QRM on each other. I guess with a wire antenna, you can’t block out what you aren’t listening for like you can with a beam.  When I did go into run mode, I felt like I just wasn’t getting enough contacts coming back to me and I felt more productive doing S&P. I just couldn’t get any decent runs going of more then 4 or 5 stations before it seemed like I was calling CQ for minutes on end without anyone coming back.

Some of the stats from quickly analyzing the log shows I made a QSo with 46 of the 50 states only missing out on Idaho, Montanna, West Virginia and Vermont. Had a few contacts with both Hawaii and strong Alaska stations. I also logged 4 new DXCCs for me which were Nicaragua, Armenia, Corsica and Belize. Corsica is already confirmed on LoTW.

In the afternoon on Sunday I switched to 15m after seeing some spots in the cluster and made 5 quick contacts with strong signals from Uruguay and Argentina. After I made the 5th contact the band closed on me and I could hardly hear them even though they were just booming in a minute ago.

In eQSL I’ve seen 3 contacts come in which I don’t have in my log. All 3 call signs seem familiar, so either they weren’t patient enough for me to confirm (QRM and they moved on before I could confirm) or I made mistake in commiting the QSO to the log. It isn’t as if I have a contact entered like their call sign but just slightly off, so I’d say it is the former and not the latter.

Here’s my score summary:

 Band QSOs   Pts  WPX
 3.5   93    228   46
   7  135    442   77
  14  279    528  150
  21   18     44    8
Total  525  1242  281
 Score : 349,002


K5D Desecheo DXpedition and Svalbard

I got Desecheo!! At 1932z I made a QSO with K5D (op WB9Z) split on 18.145.
He was listening on 18.145 and I was on 18.154.5. He was listening up
18.150 to 18.160.

I called almost the entire time from when they went on at 1600z. For me,
it was up and down a lot where I could hear him great and then not hear
him. He’s been very strong now for about 15 mins before I contacted him.

Can’t wait until I can confirm I am in their logs which will be viewable
on the web. I hope to make some more including on RTTY.

Earlier in the week I had a QSO with Svalbard which is a new DXCC for me.  I sent off a direct QSL card to JW5NM.


A LoTW milestone for me

I happened to notice this morning that the number of comfirmed QSLs on Logbook Of The World (LoTW) just hit the 2000 mark. As of 7am this morning I have 4089 QSOs loaded and 2000 QSLs confirmed. That is almost 50% via LoTW.

LoTW shows 81 confirmed DXCCs and I have 8 confirmed via paper QSL cards. I have 31 other DXCCs logged but not confirmed via LoTW or paper QSL cards.


PSK125 contest & recent activity

This weekend I put in a very part time effort in the EPC WW DX PSK125 contest. I operated high power for up to 12 hours though I operated much less. I found PSK125 to be a rough go. It is extremely fast in transmitting but I fely the ability to get through a solid transmission was much worse then say RTTY. Ops were sending  CQ many times in a row so you could notice them since it sends so fast and then sending the report multiple times (3 times per line and 3 lines per report) since the copy seemed to be so poor. I also didn’t notice a large number of contest participants so after operating for a bit on went on to other things and popped back in every once in a while to see if there was anyone new to try and contact. I ended up with 25 contacts on 20m, 14 contacts on 40m and 9 contacts on 80m. Total multipliers was 26 across the 3 bands for a final score of 3.120 points.

In non-contest activities, I’ve had a bunch of US contacts related to the LoTW triple play award. Even though I don’t yet do CW, I’d like to get all 50 states on digital and phone and maybe before the end of the year I’ll be CW-ing and can concentrate on that. The past few days, besides the contest and the US contacts, I made 10 DX contacts including another contact with Victoria (VP8YLG) this time on 20m, DR09ANT special event station in Germany, 9A2009OS special event station in Croatia, Bosnia on 80m, a strong station in Austria and a new DXCC logged with J79WWW in Dominica.

In the afternoon on Sunday, I was tuning through a 20m frequency when I heard someone asking if the frequency was in use. I stayed on the frequency and when he called CQ I came back to him. The operator was ND0C (Randy) from Minnesota and he was running 3 watts (!!) in a QRP contest. I was amazed as he was blasting in as if he was on a local repeater. I spotted him on the cluster (wrong freq the first time but then I corrected it) and stayed on frequency a while to listen. Fantastic job Randy!


First VK Contact!

I was off from work today and made a few contacts throughout the day to Europe, Italy, Bulgaria and Brazil. Just before 22:00z I saw a VK station in a PSK31 QSO on 40m. After the QSO ended, I tried to make a contact but wasn’t able to. I then needed to pick up my daughter from practice. When I got back from getting my daughter, the same VK station was in another QSO. When they were done, I cranked up the power and this time he came back to me. It was my first contact with any Australia station!

VK6WB (Gus) and I had a nice QSO. He was pleased to be my first VK contact. You have to love digital modes as a way to communicate on low power and a wire antenna. I will be sending a QSL card out tomorrow to his QSL Manager (W4UHF) who is stateside.

Based on the grid squares, we’re 11,608 miles (18,681 km) from each other. Previously, my longest contact was in Mauritus at around 9,290 miles.  Just fantastic stuff!!

Thanks Gus for making a day off from work extra special!



Seems to be a bunch of activity at 3.6xx with folks trying to get LoTW Triple Play contacts. Tune around in the evening and you’ll often find folks calling CQ.

This morning before heading off to work i had a short QSO with SB6A in Sweden on 20m. Needed to cut it short as I had to get out of the house and catch my train.

When I got home from work today I was able to make contact with 8R44USA. The op is 8R1AK and running a special event station honoring Barak Obama.  That was my first contact with an op in Guyana.

This weekend is the ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes and I’ll be helping out with our club station K2BAR.
