Category Archives: Contacts

A nice Saturday inside and out

Yesterday was a great day outside. It was as if spring had finally made its way to NJ. Had a bunch of stuff to do and it was nice to be outside. My daughter’s lacrosse team won their first game and she did a magnificent job as the goalie.

On the air, I made a few QSO’s with a handful of special event stations that were running. I still enjoy contacting them and sending for their QSL cards. I stopped by the post office yesterday morning to pick up some stamps, but they didn’t have any of the new Forever stamps which work now and with the new postage rate next month so I got some 42 cent stamps. I hope anyone that gets them responds in enough time to use them.

I also received a real nice email from N2FF, Frank Fallon. N2FF is the ARRL Hudson Division Director which is the division I’m located within. His email was to congratulate me on getting the Triple Play Award. He was #43 and I was #243. Thanks for the email Frank!

Yesterday was also the Michigan QSO Party. Though I didn’t have a lot of radio time, I ended up with 77 contacts on 40/80 CW/SSB. Below is my score summary from N1MM:

        Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Sec
         3.5  CW      14      28    7
         3.5  LSB     21      21    7
           7  CW      11      22    9
           7  LSB     31      31   19
       Total  Both    77     102   42

            Score : 4,284

I also heard NN2T, a very local ham to me, participating in the contest so we dropped down a few KHz and had a real nice chat.

Definitely a nice Saturday whether I was inside or out.


Mozambique confirmed via LoTW, 9H1SP and YL Ops

Yesterday I noticed that Mozambique was confirmed on LoTW. The C91TX station was a DXpedition by the Texas DX Society. Thanks for uploading to LoTW and so quickly after the DXpedition. That brings myconfirmed XCCs on LoTW mixed to 102 and  20m to 99.  With 18 additional confirmations, I’m at 120 for mixed. I need to get my QSL cards approved by our local card checker and then send them in with my LoTW confirmations for my 20/mixed DXCC.

I also received a QSL card direct from 9H1SP in Malta. I had made a contact with Paul via RTTY about 1 month ago and sent for his card even though I knew he was a LoTW user.  Thanks for sending a QSL back so quick.

Also, this past weekend, I had a QSO with a YL operating the WW2SUB station located on the USS Batfish. She did a very good job in the QSO. In the last month I recall at least 1 other YL at the mic and that was a special event station for the 150th Anniversary of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and the 10th Anniversary of the Robotics Team there. The young gal at the mic also did a terrific job with my QSO.


LoTW Triple Play Award #243

I started a new job today so I didn’t check to see if anything had happened with my TPA submission. Late in the day, on my train ride home, I got a congratulatory email from Wa2LXE congratulating me on TPA #243. When I got home, I checked the ARRL LoTW site and sure enough, it lists K2DSL  #243  04-13-2009.

Thanks again to all the other ops that were on the other end of the 150 contacts as well as the fine folks at BARA such as WA2LXE and K2ZC for their encouragement and guidance.


Georgia QSO Party

Had a little free time on Saturday evening and Sunday morning so I made some contacts in the GA QSO Party. I thought I’d hear more operators on then I did but maybe it was the holiday weekend that caused there to be less folks on the air. On Sunday morning I was only on for a short time and there wasn’t a lot of activity so most contacts were Saturday late in the day/early in the evening.

Thanks to all the Georgia apps for the contacts. As always, QSO Party contest ops take the time to thank those calling in and it makes for a generally more pleasant QSO, even if it is still short.

The score summary from N1MM shows:

        Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Sec
         3.5  CW       2      4    0
         3.5  LSB      1      1    0
           7  CW      13      26   11
           7  LSB     23      23   18
          14  CW      12      24   12
          14  USB      4      4    2
       Total  Both    55      82   43

            Score : 3,526


First contact logged with Sudan

Saw a spot on the cluster for a DX station in Sudan so I switched over to 20m RTTY. ST2EB was listening up 5, so I watched how he worked. He seemed to be exactly 5 down from whatever station he was working. If the station was really up 5.1, he’d be down 5.1. So I set my split exactly 5 over the frequency we could hear him on and after 3 or 4 calls. He was coming in very strong with a near 100% copy.

I fired off an email, as per his QRZ page, before sending direct for a QSL card. It will nice to add this to the confirmed list.


LoTW Triple Play Award completed !!!

With the help of everyone below. I was able to complete the LoTW Triple Play Award (TPA) today with the final contacts being confirmed. It might seen obvious, but without the help of the 135 different operators that were on the other half of the 150 contacts, this would have been impossible. So my thanks go out to each of them for taking the time to make a contact with me.

I applied online today and I will post when I receive my number/certificate from the ARRL.

Edit: I did some quick Excel work to see how much others that already received the Triple Play Award helped me in achieving mine. 59 of the 150 contacts were made with others that, as of 4/2/2009, received their Triple Play Award. Those 59 logged Q’s were from 48 individuals which received their Triple Play Award already. The LoTW site was last updated back on 4/3, so in the 10 days following that, there might have been others as well that provided me Q’s.

New HampshireK1BDK1QOK1RO
North CarolinaN2TUKZ2IK4FX
Rhode IslandN1GKEN1HRAKI1G
South DakotaW0FVRK0PIR/MKD0S
West VirginiaKZ8EAJ1MAB8RL


Chagos Island confirmed and the Triple Play sprint

Received a direct QSL card from VQ9LA confirming our CW contact so that’s another new DXCC confirmed for me. Saint Marti, confirmed this past week via a QSL card was also confirmed on LoTW, so I stand at 101 DXCCs confirmed via LoTW and 18 more via QSL cards for a total of 119. The 20m DXCC is at 98 confirmed via LoTW. When that hits 100 on LoTW, I’ll submit for DXCC just via LoTW and factor in the QSL cards at a later date.

For the Triple Play Award I continue to make progress. I’ve been able to log all but Deleware on CW. I’m hoping to try and setup a sked for that over the next day or two if it doesn’t happen on its own. All other contacts are confirmed other then Iowa and Rhode Island on CW which have been logged but need LoTW confirmations. Hopefully the ops I logged with will do that over the next day or so. Getting close!!!


More WAS completed

I wasn’t even paying attention to the various WAS awards but I noticed this evening that I only needed 1 more 40m contact to have 40m WAS. The last state was Wyoming which was on one of the sked sites so I asked if we could make a 40m contact and WY7FD (Dwayne) said sure and I was able to log Wyoming on 40m to complete 40m WAS.

What I didn’t consider, which is very obvious, is if you complete the Triple Play Award, you also complete WAS CW, WAS Phone and WAS RTTY. I had WAS RTTY already completed last year and since I have all phone contacts for the TPA, I now have WAS Phone completed. After the next 5 CW contacts for the Triple Play, I’ll also have WAS CW.

I also need just 3 more states (mostly close ones) to complete 20m WAS so we’ll see if there’s a way to get that done too. Thanks to all the ops that have worked with me to make all these contacts!


Saint Martin Confirmed and the Triple Play Award

A QSL card came in today confirming the 3 contacts with FS5KA during the ARRL DX SSB contest in the beginning of March. This was my first QSL for a contact with St Martin so that ups my non-LoTW contacts to 18 for a total of 118 confirmed DXCCs.

For Triple Play Award (TPA) this past weekend I tried to get a bunch of contacts for states/modes that I needed. I did pretty well and late Sunday after our club meeting I was able to make a phone contact with AH6RR to log Hawaii for my last needed SSB phone contact. So as of now I have all states confirmed in RTTY and Phone and just 6 states remaining to get confirmed via CW. I looked real hard this weekend for a Montana station on CW since it was their QSO party, but I couldn’t find one. The hunt continues.


100 DXCCs Confirmed on LoTW

Yesterday, HH4/K4QD confirmed a CW contact on LoTW which is my 100th confirmed entity there. I have 17 additional confirmed via QSL cards for a total of 117. Woohoo!  Of those 100 confirmed on LoTW, 97 are on 20m. Maybe I’ll wait for 100 confirmed on 20m before applying for any DXCC award.

This past weekend I’ve been working on filling in some needed states/modes for the Triple Play award. I need 2 more confirmed via SSB phone (Hawaii and Mississippi) and the rest (less then 10 now) are on CW. So I’ll continue to see if I can fill in those final ones.
