LoTW WAS reporting oddities

I was just looking at my LoTW WAS account and found some oddities. I emailed their help address to see what they say.

I completed and was awarded LoTW WAS Triple Play #243 which means, forgetting anything before January 1st, I must have completed 50 CW, 50 RTTY and 50 Phone contacts. If I didn’t, I couldn’t have receied the Triple Play Award. When looking at my WAS account and what states are needed on the various bands and band/mode combinations, LoTW says I need 2 phone contacts (Alaska and Hawaii). That would be rather impossible since I would have had to have made and confirmed phone contacts with both states in order to get the Triple Play.

Next, it shows I need a 40m contact with Hawaii in order to have all states on 40m. Well a quick search on LoTW of confirmed QSOs with Hawaii shows multiple 40m contacts including a 40m RTTY contact which was used as part of the Triple Play award.

I didn’t look to see what other awards are listing states that I already have confirmed but I’ll do a bit more investigation once I get an answer on the 2 problems listed above.


EDIT: Boy those ARRL guys are quick! Less then 1 hour from sending an email I received a response from W3IZ (Norm) saying the rules on my WAS account were messed up and that he fixed them for me. I don’t recall ever setting any rules around dates, but not remembering is something I’m good at if you ask my wife.  So I just checked and everything looks good.

In case anyone also runs into something similar, there’s PPT slide show that Norm pointed me to on the LoTW home page at http://www.arrl.org/lotw/ . Off on the right is a link to WAS Accounts as a PowerPoint presentation.

Thanks Norm!