IARU HF World Championship Recap

This past weekend was the 2009 IARU HF World Championship. I started out when the contest began Saturday morning and worked it for a few hours before taking my kids to the airport for a trip to visit their grandparents.  After returning from the airport I operated a bit before heading out to dinner. In the evening I operated a bit more before thunderstorms rolled in and I called it a night.

I ended up logging 202 contacts with a just bit more CW Q’s then SSB Q’s. Because of the storms at night, 40m and 80m were noisy and I got off the air (mostly because of the storm but I was pretty beat anyway) so I missed out on the prime 40/80m time and US contacts and multipliers.

I didn’t notice anything exotic when making or reviewing the contacts other then my 2nd contact with a station in Nigeria that I’ve already sent a QSL card to via the bureau.

Here’s my score summary:

        Band  Mode  QSOs     Pts  Sec
         3.5  LSB      2       2    1
           7  CW      20      48   10
           7  LSB     11      23    6
          14  CW      77     195   25
          14  USB     75     181   23
          21  CW       7      21    0
          21  USB      9      25    4
          28  USB      1       3    1
       Total  Both   202     498   70

            Score : 34,860
